

My name is Taylor Reschka, and I love a TON of things. While I am now a professional photographer, I always wanted to be an Astrophysicist…and a comedian…and a football player…and a Chef, the list goes on. While I may be none of these things, what I am and will always be is…curious. I love to learn new things, from brand new scientific discoveries, to less exciting things like car leasing procedures. If someone says “Who cares?” I likely do! You can see my curiosity in action just from the things I shoot outside of Food Photography.

My Story

My passion for food stems from my Mother. She was creative, passionate and driven when it came to cooking. She would read cook books like novels and loved to explore a multitude of different cuisines. We lost her to cancer in 2002. Even though she is gone from here, all of my siblings have a knack for cooking. I carry my mothers passion for food with me everywhere, everyday and in every dish. I’m excited to share that passion with you and your clientele whatever and where ever that might be.

My Curiosity


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